Let’s get right to it, I miss Cambridge.
I used to spend at least 3 days a week visiting Cambridge for my street photography. I’d been photographing there for 10 years and I’d started to feel that I’d exhausted what the city had to offer. Surely I’d shot every part of that city and its people. Yet I miss it like an old friend. Cambridge has given me some great photos. It was when going back through some of these photos that I really started to question if moving away from the area was the right decision.
But maybe Cambridge was like Bury St Edmunds; another comfortable place that I needed to break free from.
I confess that during the past few years, I became bored with the city, wanting to move away and find somewhere new. Now, having done that I realise just how wrong I was in my thinking…..or was I?
Let’s look at this from another perspective: Cambridge is a ghost, now bare with me here. There are theories that a ghost is the spirit of a person that has unfinished business. Is that what I’m experiencing with Cambridge? Do we have unfinished business? Did I really photograph every part of the city? And is that why I’m missing Cambridge? I honestly don’t know. But I do know that it will drive me crazy if I keep fixating on it.
Maybe it’s just as simple as I said, Cambridge was like Bury St Edmunds: another comfortable place that I needed to break free from. Looking back through old photos taken there makes me surer than ever that moving was the best option. Besides, it’s not like I won’t have the opportunity to revisit my old friend.
I have so many fond memories of being on the streets of this amazing city and there is nowhere quite like Cambridge. I’ve felt that way about the city since I was a teenager.
It’s great to look back on my time spent shooting in Cambridge, it is a time that I will treasure. But now it’s time for me to look forward at all of the opportunities that I have now, living in the north of the country.