Rediscovering Photography: A Journey Back to Fujifilm

Reconnecting with an old friend is akin to rediscovering a piece of oneself that had been temporarily set aside. In this narrative, the rekindled affection for Fujifilm evokes a sense of nostalgia and familiarity, echoing the sentiments of embracing the past while moving forward. This journey from Fujifilm to Sony and back to Fujifilm through the lens of a trusted companion sheds light on the unique charm and timeless appeal of the old Fujifilm cameras.

Reflecting on the virtues of the Sony A7III, particularly its reliable autofocus and performance in low-light conditions, prompted a realization of the potential synergy in pairing it with the Fujifilm X-T2 and the esteemed 56mm F1.2 lens. The prospect of leveraging each camera's distinct strengths for varied projects sparked curiosity and creativity, hinting at the vast possibilities that lay ahead.

The attachment to the X-T2 and the enduring allure of the 56mm F1.2 lens underscore a preference for functionality and reliability over mere technological advancements. The intrinsic quality of images captured with this duo transcends the allure of new features, emphasizing a discerning eye for what works best personally, regardless of age or novelty.

The decision to bid adieu to Sony and embrace Fujifilm speaks volumes about the emotional connection and artistic satisfaction derived from the X-T2 and the 56mm lens. This shift signifies not just a change in gear but a return to one's roots, where emotional resonance and artistic fulfillment take precedence over fleeting trends.

Further enhancing the photography setup with a Ricoh GRII accentuates a minimalist approach, emphasizing simplicity and efficiency in the creative process. This addition complements the ethos of capturing moments frozen in time, highlighting the essence of storytelling through visual imagery.

The photos captured since embracing Fujifilm once again serve as a testament to the harmonious relationship between the X-T2 and the 56mm lens. They encapsulate the beauty and intimacy of street photography, offering a glimpse into the artistic vision and passion that guide my creative process.


Embracing the familiar embrace of Fujifilm not only reignites my love for photography but also reaffirms the value of authenticity, simplicity, and enduring friendships. This journey back to Fujifilm symbolizes a return to authenticity in a world dominated by ever-evolving technology, showcasing that the most fulfilling path is often paved with staying true to one's artistic vision and personal preferences.