Shooting street with someone else

When I go out on the streets I will normally head out on my own, it’s just easier to move about at the speed I want to move at. Also if I want to head off in a direction I don’t have to check with someone else. 

However I do have a few friends that I shoot with, Christian Cross is one of them, myself and Christian work really well together, we can read what the other person is going to do or what they are going to shoot. We also keep an eye open for each other, Christian shoots wide with a 35mm focal length and I shoot up close, so if we see something that works for each other we will always point it out. 

Another great thing I like about shooting with someone else is it can slow me down and in turn, I believe this makes me a better photographer. I mostly shoot in London with Christian, now when I’m in Cambridge I will meet up with another amazing street shooter Craig Whitehead, most of you will know him as Six Street Under. Craig really works a scene and in turn, this helps me. 

Craig has a great eye for light, being out with him really allows me to again slow down and work a scene. A downside to being out with a photographer like Craig is, I don’t take many photos as I spend a lot of the time just watching him work. 

I have another friend that I like to shoot with and his name is Tom Jeavons, Tom again has a very different way of shooting compared to myself, Christian and Craig. When I head out with Tom, we just end up walking everywhere. Now there is a downside to being on the streets with him if it’s raining or has been raining, he can not just walk past a puddle lol, I think he has a fetish for them, sorry Tom lol. 

He will work a puddle for ages and when I see the photos I can understand why. But again being out with Tom changes the way I shoot and this is always a good thing for me.

Now don’t get me wrong there can always be a downside to being on the streets with other photographers, but for the most part, I enjoy my time being around great friends. Whenever I head out with these guys I always come back with amazing photos and this is down to the effect of being with these amazing street photographers.

 You can fine me on Instagram:

Craig Whitehead is on Instagram at:

Tom Jeavons is also on Instagram:

and last but not least is Christian Cross: