Fujifilm UK sent me an X-E3 to try a while back and I fell in love with the camera within minutes of getting it. Now at the time I had the camera from Fuji, I thought about trading in my X-T2 for one, I even sent it to MPB to sell, but I just couldn’t do it.
The thing is I haven’t been able to stop thinking about the X-E3, I only had the camera for just over 2 weeks but I bonded with it more than any other camera I’ve owned or used. I’ve been thinking about buying to two of them, putting the 23mm on one and 56mm on the second one, this would be perfect for me.
So today I was chatting with a friend of mine who works for my local Jessops and he was telling me that I could get a good trade-in price for my X-T2. I should point out that I bought my X-T2 last year from LCE for the bargain price of £999, the camera was mint and I don’t think it had ever been used, Jessops was offering me £986 for it, which let's be honest is a damn good price for trading in the camera.
The thought was I could get the X-E3 and 23mm F2 lens for that price, but would I miss my
X-T2, this was the big question. I went and sat in Starbucks having a good hard think about all the things I liked about my X-T2 and then all the things I liked about the X-E3. I even phoned my friend Tom (you know using one of my lifelines) for advice and he said go for it.
I know I’m going to miss the tilt screen (god how I wish the X-E3 had that) but I do believe this is something I could get used to, after all the film cameras I’ve used didn’t have tilt screens.
I also loved the size and light weight of the camera, there were more pros than cons for getting the X-E3.
Anyway, after thinking about it I decided to make the jump and to get a black X-E3 and I guess only time will tell if I’ve done the right thing which I’m 99% sure I have.
Watch this space to see how I get on with it.